Tomce Trajkovski, MD

Last Name
First Name
Regulatory Agency Medical
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario
Provider ID/Registration Number
Amputee and Prosthetics Specialty Program
Back and Neck Specialty Program
Lower Extremity Specialty Program
Neurology Specialty Program
Upper Extremity Specialty Program
COVID Assessment Program
Triage Service
UE - Shoulder
UE - Elbow
UE - Hand and Wrist
LE - Hip
LE - Knee
LE - Foot and Ankle
Medical Specialty
Clinical Service
MSK CA - Elbow
MSK CA - Foot Ankle
MSK CA - Hand Wrist
MSK CA - Hip
MSK CA - Knee
MSK CA - Shoulder
MSK Spec Ax - Orthopaedic Surgery
MSK Sx Services
NEU Spec Ax - Other
Orthopaedic Surgery, Hip - Arthroplasty, Hip - Labral Reconstruction/Repair, Hip - Total Revision, Knee - ACL Reconstruction, Knee - Arthroplasty, Knee - Meniscus Repair, Knee - Total Revision
Primary Hospital Partner
Advanced Rehabilitation Centre - Windsor
Secondary Hospital Partner
Advanced Rehabilitation Centre - Tecumseh