Last Name
First Name
RHP Title
Occupational Therapist
Regulated/Unregulated Health Professional Title
Occupational Therapist
Regulatory Agency/Asssociation - Regulated Health Professional
College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario
Provider ID/Registration Number
Amputee and Prosthetics Specialty Program
Back and Neck Specialty Program
Custom Orthopaedic Shoe Specialty Program
Lower Extremity Specialty Program
Mental Health Program
Neurology Specialty Program
Occupational Health Assessment Program
Upper Extremity Specialty Program
COVID Assessment Program
Triage Service
BN - Back
BN - Neck
UE - Shoulder
UE - Elbow
UE - Hand and Wrist
UE - General
LE - Hip
LE - Knee
LE - Foot and Ankle
LE - General
NEU - Neurology
Regulated Health Professional Trainings
RHP Certifications
Primary Rehabilitation Partner
Lifemark Physiotherapy Wortley Village