Together We Can!


Care closer to home

Provincial coverage to improve management of injured workers in Ontario

Integrated & Coordinated Care

Leveraging the strengths across the network to provide comprehensive, highest quality care including mental health, complex pain and substance management

Enabling Technology

Our cloud-based Case Management Platform helps Workers and Partners gain perspectives on gaps in care, performance measures and more

Our Vision

Through leveraging of partnerships, technology, and shared learning, we aim to be a benchmark in innovation and coordinated delivery of care of  injured workers.

Ensuring that ALL workers return to employment in an expedited manner with respect and dignity, enabling their families, their communities, and the economy.

Our Goals

  • To help Workers get better quicker

  • To provide quality care closer to home

  • To achieve the highest outcomes of care

  • To innovate how Ontario delivers healthcare

Our Mission

To be compassionate provider of Worker-centered care with an emphasis on world class specialty care for the Workers in Ontario. Through a provincial network of partners, connected by technology and shared learning, workers will be treated in their own communities, with a focus on quality treatment and support to expedite return to work and getting back to what matters.


days for access to care


workers served last year


of patients satisfied with the quality of care provided

© Copyright 2018 - 2024 Ontario Workers Network (OWN)